
Saturday, May 14, 2005

annoying bastards

i will talk about yesterdays weather first. God, yesterday was so heavenly!It reminds me so much of kuching. for the first time, the skies were cloudy, the weather was cool, and there was a nice breeze. its just like in kuching during the rainy seasons. Speaking of which, i realize kuching is always like that. God forbid that peninsular malaysia is so hot!

these past few days have been quite hectic. i realize i've become this sort of psychiatrist/psychoanalyst which everyone turns to. two nights ago one of my friends came to my place to inspect my new apt. When we went into the room, we had this talkfest for about two hours where she told me about her stresses etc. Then last night i went to a friends place to collect something, and once again, when we were sitting down, she told me about her problems. Eh? Mind you, me being the very 'kepo' person,i do enjoy giving advice (who doesn't) but its quite intruiging why people suddenly come to me for advice. I probably give psycho vibes.

i am also irritated by the above title, and i shall not say much, except one particular person really vexed me today. people seldom vex me, unless they are really god-awful, but i really don't like people who center everything on themselves. Even thinking about it right now makes my blood boil. Speaking of which, i read in the papers yesterday about this education minister who said 'i have the power to sack people'. this was about the upm case where the v-c is in big trouble. in case i get ISA-ed, this makes me think even worse about politicians in general. this is also another reason why some people from borneo detest working in peninsular m'sia. I do agree with the students and lecturers that upm should resolve the matter by itself. Whether the v-c will get sacked or not, we just have to wait. Shit, i really don't want to get isa-ed for this.

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