
Saturday, April 02, 2005

The dress

hee hee, exam is finally over and i'm looking forward to the weekend! i had a row with my mom yesterday, was my fault too, i was too stressed last night. i must say that mum's are a sensitive lot.i hope i don't become like my mom when i am old, god forbid. anyway, things are okay now and she's going back to kuching tonite. which means i have the whole house for myself...

exams were okay, i guess, and i hope that whatever awnsers that i put down were correct. i hate it when i always feel like sleeping halfway during the exams, and because of that i was unable to awnser the part about the gh protein. even though i knew it. Damn!

after exam i went to sg. wang with eugenia to look for that troublesome dress. and i am sooooooo lucky that i've found the one that i really like. the first moment i looked at it i knew that i am going to buy it. there are some things in life that just clicks for a moment, like you knew you were meant to have/cherish/get it, and in this case it was my time. i won't say much about it, just that i think its cute, and you all will just have to wait until after the ball to see it. i just hope no one thinks its a bad color of pink. why pink? for the obvious reason that my blog is also all i have to do is get matching shoes. i already have all the other accessories. hopefully my mom will give me the cash tonite so that i can buy it tomorrow.

tonight, i'm just going to settle down in front of the tv and watch it nonstop. i hope there are some good programmes on. i'm still thinking of whether i'm gonna see dida n the gang tomorrow, but since i promised them, i might as well go. hopefully i'll get plastered this weekend and have a good time. its unbelievable that the next exam is on 29 april.

we are now entering the reproductive course, the course that gets everyone excited. me, i'm just eager to know more about the defects that can occur in this system. just today, for example, we learned about testes that can never descend, those that are strangulated, and those that are infected. the lecturer was going on and on about how she worked in a sperm lab and that she had to look at it everyday to check for defects. some had two heads, a super big head, no tail, or just a circly tail. and she said that she got so fed up about looking at it. for the very few times in my life, i can't think of a witty line for this. and the worst thing was that she said the seminal fluid was like a gel...or jelly. now in my mind is a picutre of a wobbling jelly, and i don't think i'll look at jelly as food anymore.

being in malaysia is special, as i learned also that different races have different names for that part of the male anatomy. i'm embarassed to say this, but i really don't know what the men in my race call it. sad huh?the commonly used words to describe it are batang, parrot's beak, tweetybird, and others.i expect myself to be working in the jungles of sarawak in the near future, and i'm already getting excited over the prospect of handling fun cases.

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