
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

my broken spirit

How do you tell a person who's just insulted you that enough is enough? That you would never insult a person about their physical traits or the way they speak/behave? I can't. I can never tell a person off, unless i am absolutely furious with rage, and let the person have my anger. I did it once, and i never want to do it again. The effect it had on both me and the scolded person was a lesson i learned in my young age.
I am naturally an easy person to get along with.I'm quiet, unassuming,i mind my own business and generally i wouldn't give a damn about how you look like, what your family background is, and what you're working as, as long as you are a good person and i can trust you. I also seldom make fun of people, but when i do, the other person has a right to insult me back.
Very few people have ever insulted me about my height, and i am very sensitive about that.They were either insulting me behind my back, or just didn't care how tall i was. But i get extremely pissed off when people insult me just to make themselves feel good, or to boost their f***ing low self-esteems high. They may just be joking with me, or unintentionally say things, but you know what, the things that comes out from your mouth tells me a lot of things about your character.
If i could have insulted them till they cried, i would. But i would just be as bad as them, and i would degrade myself to the level of a teenage schoolgirl. To all those people who get teased in whatsoever way till they feel bad about themselves, don't worry. I know how you guys feel. At the ripe old age of 26,i'm supposed to be busy with other things, but instead i have to vent my anger on this blog.
And to all those people who deliberately/non-deliberately insult others, insult behind our backs, or if you do want to insult us to our face, at least have the guts to admit to yourself that your own self-esteem sucks like a stagnant water drain.
On my part, i realise that i can be too sensitive at times. I tend to take comments about my height/weight as a personal insult. I also realise there are a lot of bitchy people in the world. I have tried very hard since my uni days to dismiss the hurt i feel. I have very much improved since my teenage days, but i still feel the sting now and then. It hurts, of course it does, and for that is why i am extra careful about making people close to me. Once you learn, you never forget.

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