
Monday, March 28, 2005

water runs dry

The title above is because of me listening to an old boyz 2 men song that i really liked when i was young. and it got me a bit sad again because at the time the song was playing i opened up the papers and i read an article about the problems of imperovished migrant workers china, and about the migrant worker who died while saving 2 children from a railway track.
it got me thinking of how i take my life for granted, all the things which i have in life but never appreciated them, all the people around me, and all the complaining i like to do about minor things.
and millions of other people about the globe are worrying about things such as when is the next meal going to come, how are they going to survive etc. as much as i dont like migrant workers coming to malaysia, i realise when life is difficult you have to find a way to survive, no matter how terrible the conditions can be.i have never looked straight into the eyes of a helpless person, but i see enough of it in the papers. i am currently feeling like a bad person.

the good news about today? well, when i got up this morning, it was bright, sunny and a bit of nice cool air. i'm geting flu on and off again due to the current rainy season. right now there's an ah beng that just walked into the comp room. the power of hong kong stars and their dressing habits amazes me. just yesterday i went to the park to jog, when i saw this couple. the guy was actually more beatiful than his gf. with his long blond locks, silky smooth face, and nice eyes, he reminded me of that guy from F4. i think its vince or jerry .can't remember.

This week is going to be a busy week. So little time to study, so many things to do. Lucky my mom is going away for the weekend. i can actually go out. Went to church last week and i spotted so many of my classmates. Miss them very much. Joyce shia looks the same,she still looks like she just finished form 5. Dida actually looks the same too, but now she accentuates her figure by wearing body hugging clothing. and she's still the same person. I can't believe i became less dirty minded after i came out of form 5. She was telling me some jokes, and i can actually feel embarassed. i guess the people around me now are kinda decent (or very innocent!)and i dont think i'll ever be the same dirty minded person anymore.I can't imagine what its like to hook up with angie. hopefully it stays the same.

I cant' wait to go out and watch the movies. i haven't been out with anyone ever since we started sem 4. i have to renew my ties with people. There are 3 movies to watch, namely hitch, miss congeniality 2 and robot, with 3 different groups of friends.i especially want to see brenda and marg, haven't seen them for 5 years now. it seems everyone is going back to study again. Brain's going to singapore and dida's gonna do her masters. Joanne chua is on her way to doing her phd. Amazing, just cant' wait to see everyone again.

Last but not least, i am proud to say that i have lost quite a bit of weight. whether i can go back to my form 5 weight is debatable, but i'm quite happy for now. Just need to exercise a bit more and cut down on all those oily foods. Peninsular malaysia has so much nice food, but its full of santan and oil. i now regret not exercising during my uni days. would have maintained my weight then.

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