
Friday, October 19, 2007


1. If I was an opposite gender, what would my party clothes be like?
Definitely metrosexual, ala Christiano Ronaldo. Damn, that man is hot

2. At 10am this morning, I was… … reading the Star about Bourne Ultimatum. I am so going to watch it, pirated or non pirated version!

3. At 10pm tonight, I will be… … making my ass bigger by sitting for hours on a chair

4. Who should be the next Malaysian Prime Minister?
The space traveller, Sheikh Muszaphar

5. If my spouse told me to do without sex for a year, I would… … find multiple toyboys to play with

6. If I was a piece of a car, I would be the… …the steering wheel. somehow it symbolizes power.

7. If I was told one day that I would have to give up either 1) anything chocolate OR 2) ever seeing the beach again, for the rest of my life, which one will I give up?
i don't mind not seeing the beach. i'll just go and swim in some leptospirosis infested lake.

8. Singapore is good for… ... finding bald men. Honestly, there seem to be more young, bald men there.

9. If I could only say 3 words before I die, what would those last words be? Nacho Libre Rules!!

10. Who would I like to be left on a deserted island with? Luke McAlister.

11. Die by drowning or by fire? fire. Drowning....i don't like to burn.

12. What one single thing would you buy with your last RM9.95? buy KFC snack plate

13. If I opened a night club, what would I call it? Bliss- sounds nice, doesn't it?

14. Don’t cheat: what’s “bulbous”? some male anatomy resembling a lightbulb

15. I think my ass is… …TOO BIG. It sticks out when i wear pants.

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