
Saturday, June 16, 2007

What to get?

Its almost a week to the selectives and electives, and here i am slaving away to study for next weeks exam. My gripe is that the minor postings are so packed, and we only have to weeks to study a particular topic. I mean, how do i finish ophthalmo in just 2 weeks? Its crazy. and i hate mcq's, they tend to ask the bigger picture of things, when in fact ive just studied 40% of the subject.
I think i might not watch fantastic 4, because its been receiving lukewarm reviews in the papers. The thought of chris evans shirtless in the movie is VERY tempting though:

See what i mean....this guy takes his shirt off sometime in the movie. Right now i think he's the hottest young male, next comes Matthew McCoughnney ( i can't be bothered to spell his name) and Keanu.

Since the pink dolphin already has a pet dog, i'm seriously thinking of getting one too. I've always wanted a dog and a cat since i was young, but my parents objected. I think the smell of shit in the front yard, and the fact that they have to spend tons of cash just to look after one is too much.

I'm going to grad by next august, and i think i have 3 months break before i start to work, and i most probably will be in Canada for a month. That leaves me 2 months to buy a dog, train it and do all the necessary medical checkups, deworming etc. Im a bit scared at the same time, cos before this all i ever had was a pet hamster and fish. And there's not much work to do taking care of those pets. I most likely will get a toy dog, and below are the candidates:

My first choice would be a daschund, simply because i love its shape and short legs. Its also because of a similar dog that i would always see when i walk to school. It never fails to greet me every morning and its so cute when it walks with its short legs. I hope i can find this breed for sale easily.

Next is the shih-tzu

According to the dog websites, this is the perfect type for those who are not active and prefer lap dogs (aka me). And its just soooooo cute

Third is the tibetan spaniel

Notice that it has a sausage shaped body and short legs. It also has a good temperament.

I'm just hoping that these dogs esp the daschund and spaniel are easily available. If not, i'd have to settle with a shih tzu. And NO chihuahuas and poodles for me, sorry.

Lite and easy has jazz nites on the weekdays and i love this song by Sade, Kiss of Life. Its just makes me think of holidaying someplace nice.


Anonymous said...

oi sayang

You should get a dog!! But I'm not a fan of the sausage dogs though. However,do you know that they suffer from severe back problems as they age?
Anyways Dachshunds are undemanding and quite independent dogs, only thing is their barks tend to be VERY loud.


p/s: my blog is up

Anonymous said...

Yes, i m planning to get one after i grad. If i cant find a daschund, choice 2 or 3 will do. I need a dog who is also a couch potato like me

nemesis-on-fire said...

McConnaughey. i think :P

pink dolphin!! i hear u dress ur doggies in CLOTHES!! gawd... NOOOOO!!! :P poor doggies... kekeke...

yes, chica, get a dog just like u :D

let me play with it sometime. hehe...